
Pedro colabora con Cáritas Diocesana de TenerifeIf you want a space where what matters is the value of people, their dignity and the promotion of social justice. If you think that the commitment to the effective recognition of all rights and the rights of all is the way towards a united and just society, you may be interested to know who we are and what we do.

You may already know Caritas; in this case you might find updated information of your interest. If you don’t already know this institution of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Tenerife you will find the concern and commitment of the Christian community, which, from its brotherly love, wants to be close to the poorest people, and also wants to hold their hands and support them so they can get rid of all everything that is making them be excluded.

We present the work, often quietly and anonymously, of people working to build a more fraternal society, a society that respects the rights of all people, a society that practices a form of solidarity that encompasses not only their people, but impoverished people and countries around the world working far beyond its own borders.

At the same time we offer the possibility to collaborate in our work. To do this, you'll have at your disposal the addresses where you can go if you want to be volunteer contributing with your time and skills. You can also become a member contributing financially to the development of our activities.

On behalf of all those who form the Caritas family, we want to thank your interest in visiting our website, this is your house you'll find it always open, do not stand in the doorway, come in and share with us this space of solidarity and commitment.

- Visit Cáritas Diocesana Tenerife website -



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